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Black vintage parasol in the garden of Annemarie Kolenbrander

Black vintage parasols van Yuna Merch in Annemarie Kolenbranders tuin

January 8, 2025

Wow, what a dreamy retreat Annemarie Kolenbrander's garden is.

A real private bridge over the water and a hanging bed make Annemarie Kolenbrander's garden jealous! The real eye-catchers, however, are the Yuna Black vintage parasols that she has. Yes, you read that right, plural! Because when Annemarie came across our black fringe parasol after a long search, she immediately thought "YES, that's it!" And she didn't do anything halfway, because she immediately ordered two.

With her own interior company, Optie A (@optie_a), it can't be otherwise than that Annemarie has beautifully styled the sturdy, elegant fringed parasols. She did this at a nicely set table. We would like to spend the summer in this garden, with a cool drink in hand in the shade of the beautiful Yuna parasol. Fun fact; a visit is possible, because Annemarie rents out her house and garden as a shoot location! Check @annemarie.kol's feed for home and garden inspiration in warm tones and earthy materials! The beautiful photos were taken by Margriet Hoekstra from @margriethoekstra_photography.

Click here to view our vintage umbrellas!

Yuna Merch zwarte franje parasols in de tuin van Annemarie KolenbranderBlack vintage parasols gestyled in tuinYuna Merch zwarte strand parasols in gestylde tuinBlack vintage parasols van Yuna Merch in Annemarie Kolenbranders groene tuin
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